Environment & Career

Build a Career Here

Hotel Staff and Personnel

Headquarters and Related Positions

01Hotel Staff and Personnel

Travel Partner

Job Description
A travel partner's job is to make travellers in Japan feel safe and supported here, where culture, language, and lifestyle differ vastly from their home countries. In addition to service at the hotel, a travel partner supports the guests' trips so they can fully enjoy the city and connect with the local community.
Rewarding Aspects
Come as you are and fulfill the guests' needs in your own unique way that reflects your personality. Many of our staff members feel deeply rewarded when they receive words of gratitude from guests that really come from the heart. Part of the fun of being a travel partner is planning events and pitching ideas that would make guests' stays truly unique and memorable. The staff all collaborate to bring those visions to life.

01Headquarters and Related Positions

Head Office Staff

Job Description
Cosmos Hotel Management is composed of various departments such as marketing, human resources, general affairs, accounting, corporate planning, business promotion, and corporate sales. In order to make MIMARU an even better hotel group, we involve third parties into our projects and promote our work to the outside whenever we can.
Rewarding Aspects
Headquarters staff rarely provide services directly to guests, but the satisfaction of seeing plans spring into motion and making the guests' stay an amazing experience is exciting in its own right.

Evaluation System

Corporate Philosophy, Our Vision, Principles, MIMARU Identity, MIMARU WAY, etc., are key evaluation points that represent our company's goals in an easy-to-understand way. Through these key points, we create a grading standard that manifests in a salary evaluation based on the employee's position and the expectations that come with it, as well as the abilities and attitude that is required for the role.

Systems Related to Career Development

Career / Transfer Request Questionnaire

Once a year, we provide all employees with a questionnaire regarding their future career paths, goals, and general thoughts about the company. We were able to use these questionnaire entries to support employees' career aspirations and goals.

Skill-Up Support System

This system is in place to encourage and support employees to deepen their skill sets and knowledge used in their position, but also to think outside the box and tackle new challenges. The company will bear 50% of examination and course fees that tie into their current or future positions.